To get your blood stirring, check out this link on a wealth manager. As the song goes: "Next to health is wealth, and only wealth will buy you justice."
Speaking of money and banana republics, another song goes: "The rich get rich and the poor get children, ain't we got fun."
Teabaggers should read a little history once in awhile. Our first attempt at a republic failed because of actions similar to what teabaggers are whining about in Arizona today. Then again, this is Arizona, a state that never turns down a chance at ridiculous publicity.
What does Sarah know? Who knows? Even Reagan's chief acolyte dismisses the Quitter.
Last week's election showed that the GOP's "Big Tent" houses the "White Fright" movement. Also, polls show that the GOP attracts the less-educated as well. Oh well.
Finally, really shocked that this poor chimpanzee didn't end up at Tumalo's Chimps Inc., where he could have delighted visitors with his smoking prowess. Also, unfortunately, Chimps Inc. is holding another Civil War game fund-raiser, which is one or the weakest causes ever for such a fund-raiser. Chimps Inc. lures in young animal-lovers to care for the chimps at the "sanctuary" and then laughs at them when a chimp bites off their fingers.
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