Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The times they are a-teabagging

As we enter this stupid space between default and "kicking the (debt) can down the road,"
the U.S. has demonstrated to the world that we let a few, crazy elected people hold our country, and the world, hostage.

No one knows, outside the Tea Party cranks, why they are willing to blow up the world economy.

They say they want to defund Obamacare. Of course, they lost that fight long ago.

But, if they want to get rid of the tax on medical devices, the individual mandate, and the "belly button" tax on most insurance plans, then go ahead.

That's classic Republicanism: don't ask Americans to pay for anything because all taxes are evil.

At the same time, these hypocrites claim that our mega-trillion national debt is the greatest threat in the history of the world when what they're proposing would radically accelerate that debt.

And, they can't pin all of this debt on President Obama.

According to Forbes, the smallest government spender since President Eisenhower is, in fact, President Obama. 

Of course, teabaggers live in a fact-free world.

They believe that most Americans are solidly behind them in their fight to defund Obamacare. Well, the real polls show the exact opposite. 

Again, no need for Teapublicans to face reality.

There is always Fox News to tell them how great they are.

Since all of this is going so well for teabaggers, they're renewing their push to impeach President Obama.

And, if that fails, there is always, secession.

Without The Daily Show or The Colbert Report on this week, we're left with the "comedy" of Teapublicans.

Don't about a buzz-kill.

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