In other words, they represent the folks who won this "class warfare" long ago.
The GOP and its media outlet, Fox News, try to frame "class warfare" as an attack upon the wealthy, the very people, who through their largesse, bestow humble work upon their servants.
Yeah, the poor "job creators" are being attacked for creating jobs overseas rather than in America.
The way to divert attention away from the 1 percent is to pit worker against worker. These means public versus private worker and non-union worker versus union worker.
In essence, by keeping middle class workers fighting among themselves for the scraps leftover by the 1 percent, these workers won't have the energy or the will to fight the 1 percent for redress on the staggering income inequality in this country.
So in Wisconsin on Tuesday, voters will likely reject the recall of the Republican governor because the debate has been successfully framed as: Dammit, I've lost my private job during this great recession, and you greedy union workers should lose yours, too.
It's a classic divide and conquer strategy that almost always works.
The working class really can't comprehend the wealth of the 1 percent, like a home elevator for cars, but middle class workers do understand fellow members in their class. It's plain for them to see someone like them keep their job, health insurance and retirement benefits, while they are losing theirs. And, this angers them.
So, it's easier to fight someone you know, rather than someone you don't know.
This is one of the main reasons why the 1 percent remain largely untouched during these hard times.
The GOP is still looking out for the interests of the 1 percent, which can only be maintained if more tax dollars are shifted, under the Ryan plan, from the have-nots to the haves.
To have it otherwise, is called socialism.
But, what we have now is "corporate socialism," where corporations evade paying any taxes at all, and are subsidized to stay in business with the ruse that all those workers will be paying taxes.
It's gotten so bad that more than 2,700 companies in 16 states keep state income taxes that they collect from their workers. Workers are paying their bosses to have a job when they think their tax dollars are going for the collective good of society.
In turn, less money is paid to the government, which then reduces services such as education and infrastructure improvement. By reducing funding for these basic, yet critical components of a viable society, we ultimately witness a society in decline.
What happens in Wisconsin will pave the way for fewer government services in the future at a time when people will demand more from their government.
What the 1 percent really enjoy is seeing the masses railing against their government.
Which leads to this question: Why do the 1 percent defenders hate America so much that they want to see it decline?
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